
Friday 13 December 2013

Freebie Friday: FLASH FREEBIE!!!

Eek! It has been an extremely busy week and I have sorely neglected this blog! I couldn't let Friday go by without a freebie though! But get in quick - this one will only be a freebie for a very limited time!

Get your copy here.

Happy Friday!

Friday 6 December 2013

Freebie Friday: Learn to Spell There, Their and They're with Pirate Monkeys!

Arr! Welcome to another Freebie Friday! Today's freebie is a sweet little poster featuring some adorable pirate monkeys!

Enough said, right? Get yours here.

Have a great weekend!

Tuesday 3 December 2013

YouTube Tuesday: Noni the Pony by Alison Lester

Welcome to another YouTube Tuesday!

Today I am sharing a reading of an adorable story by one of my favourite Australian authors (and Australia's first children's laureate), Alison Lester. The story is 'Noni the Pony' and it won the Children's Book Council of Australia award for best picture book in 2011. Read about the book on Alison Lester's website. If you don't love Noni by the end of the story, I'll eat my hat! Enjoy!

Sunday 1 December 2013

Cyber Monday and Tuesday SALE!!!

I'm sure by now you have heard the news that Teachers Pay Teachers will be on sale this Monday and Tuesday. If it is news to you, here's how it works. Lots of TpT sellers are offering up to 20% off in their stores (including the Little Green store). TpT are offering a further discount at the checkout if you enter the code CYBER. For a store that is already on sale for 20% off, you will receive a total discount of 28% - woo hoo!

This lovely button is from Poppydreamz Digital Art. Check out her store here.

My wishlist is absolutely overflowing, so I am getting ready to clear some space during the sale! Be sure to pop over to the Little Green store to check out all the new resources for sale - you're sure to pick up a bargain!

Before I go, I just wanted to give you a quick update on the upcoming giveaway. The Little Green store is only 10 followers away from 100! I'm super keen to get this giveaway happening, so I'm not sure if I can hold out until we hit the magic number! So many lovely sellers have donated products to the giveaway, and I don't want to keep them waiting! Watch this space - the giveaway will be coming soon and you do not want to miss it!

Friday 29 November 2013

Freebie Friday: Persuading Santa - a Creative Writing Activity

Welcome to another Freebie Friday. I'll keep it short and sharp today - here is your freebie!

Get yours here. Enjoy!

Tuesday 26 November 2013

YouTube Tuesday: Mayim Bialik - Blossoming To Science

Welcome to another YouTube Tuesday!

Today's video features actor Mayim Bialik, who you might know better by her TV character names of Blossom or Amy from Big Bang Theory. As well as being an actor, Mayim is a scientist (yep, art imitating life in her Big Bang role!) and she is passionate about encouraging girls and women in Science. Show this video to every little girl you know!

Monday 25 November 2013

Guest Post at One, Two, Three: Math Time!

Hi all, just a quick post to let you know about my latest guest post over at the One, Two, Three: Math Time! blog. My post is all about teaching angles.

Mentioned in the post are two new products in the Little Green store: an Angle Scoot and a free Angle Identification Poster. Be sure to check out the post to find out more!

Friday 22 November 2013

Freebie Friday: Christmas Bookmarks

It's time for another Freebie Friday, and this week the official countdown to Christmas begins at Little Green HQ. Yep, I know it's November, but the end of the year is looming ever so close, and we all need to get organised, right? With that in mind, Little Green presents your first Christmas freebie of the season: Christmas Bookmarks!

This set of cheery bookmarks feature festive clip art from KPM Doodles and gorgeous glitter from Sonya DeHart.

Use them as rewards, use them as gifts or keep them for yourself, it's entirely up to you! Get yours here!

In keeping with the Christmas theme, another new resource has just gone up in the Little Green store: Maths Fraction Task Cards.

As you can see, these little babies will fit in beautifully with your Christmas or Winter theme, but I've deliberately kept the theme subtle so that the cards can be used all year round.

The cards are designed to help your students become more fluent in halves, quarters and eighths. They align to the Australian Curriculum for Year 2 and the NSW Syllabus for Stage 1, but they would also be suitable for higher grades who need to work on their fluency before diving into more difficult fractions. Lots of word problems have been included, as well as visual problems.

Plans are afoot for more fraction task cards to match this set, so watch this space! In the meantime, this set of cards is on sale for a limited time, so get in quick! Get your copy here!

It may be just a tad too early to say Merry Christmas, so I'll just say have a great weekend instead!

Tuesday 19 November 2013

YouTube Tuesday: The Dot

It's Tuesday again, and that means it's time for another terrific YouTube video!

This week, I'm sharing a great little animated version of the wonderful picture book The Dot by Peter Reynolds. In this story, a little girl named Vashti is frustrated in art class because she feels she can't draw. Her teacher encourages her to make a mark on the page. Vashti angrily draws a dot, which her teacher makes her sign. And that's where the fun begins! This story will help your students find the courage to have a go. Enjoy!

Monday 18 November 2013

Top 5 Pins of the Week: Quotable Quotes Edition

It's another rainy Monday here in Sydney, so I've been feeling philosophical. Perhaps that's why I've decided to dedicate this Monday's 'Top 5 Pins' post to quotable quotes! Sure, there are thousands of quotes out there that I could include, but these are the 5 that jumped out at me this week. You can find them all on the Little Green Quotes Pinterest Board.

5. Sir Edmund Hillary


Sir Edmund Hillary was 'an ordinary chap' from New Zealand who was one of the first people to reach the summit of Mt Everest. His words are so very true and may help your students realise that they can overcome their own 'Everest'.

4. Todd Whitaker


I don't know who Todd Whitaker is, but his words ring true. What we do as teachers matters, and there are some days when the weight of that responsibility weighs very heavily upon our shoulders. The best kind of teachers are those who understand that responsibility, but keep showing up and giving their best. If you are one of those people, kudos to you!

3. Henry Wadsworth Longfellow


I absolutely love this poster - both the words of the quote and the artwork are beautiful! Did I mention that I love books?

2. Charles Mingus


The late, legendary jazz bass player Charles Mingus was an incredibly creative man throughout his whole life. He continued to write music until his death, knowing that he would never be able to finish it. His words, for me, are true for all creative pursuits, including the creation of lessons and resources. How often do we over-complicate what is essentially simple?! One of our jobs as educators is to come up with creative ways of helping our students understand a concept. Stay creative, friends!

1. Andy Warhol


Yep, Warhol! He was a wacky guy, but he certainly lived by this statement! And again, this applies to more than just 'art'. As teachers, we are often judged, and while we certainly need to take constructive feedback on board, we don't need approval from every man and his dog! We are all on our own journey - as long as we constantly strive to be better at what we do, we are moving forward on that journey. I will be taking a leaf out of Warhol's book from now on - I'll just keep right on creating lessons and resources that will get better and better!

I hope you have been inspired by the quotes I chose. Are there any quotes that I've missed here that would be in your current top 5? Feel free to share them in the comments. Have a great week!

Friday 15 November 2013

Freebie Friday: The Three Little Pigs

No time for chit chat today - there's a freebie to give away! Without further ado, Little Green presents The Three Little Pigs!

I've found it difficult to find a version of this story book that I like, so when I came across these great graphics from Scrappin Doodles, I decided to make my own! Here are a few sample pages from the story. As you'll see, the wolf does come to a grizzly end in this version of the story.

You can get your copy here. Enjoy your weekend!

Tuesday 12 November 2013

YouTube Tuesday: Subtraction Rules!

Welcome to another YouTube Tuesday! Be sure to check out the YouTube Tuesday page for lots of great videos!

Today's video is all about learning tricks in Maths to help us solve problems faster. The particular trick being shown in this video is for subtraction, and it is explained very clearly. Your students are sure to find this trick very useful... and maybe you will too!

Monday 11 November 2013

A Rainy Monday...

Hi all! Usually on a Monday I would be giving you a rundown of some stellar pins that I had found on Pinterest during the week. Well, today it has been raining all day, and all I felt like doing was curling up in my favourite chair with a book. So that's what I did! And I didn't feel like sitting at the computer collating images and links. So I didn't! Instead I want to tell you about the two great books I read yesterday and today. Oh yeah, I've got the reading bug real bad!

Today I read The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins.

Get your copy here!

I know I'm a bit late to the party on this one, but it had been sitting on my reading pile for a while and I just hadn't got to it. I'm glad I did read it though, because I quite enjoyed it! It took me a little while to get into the first person, present tense narrative, but once I got used to it, the story was engaging and I wanted to know what would happen next. It isn't the best book I've ever read, but the action and self-actualisation of the main character kept the story moving along at a good pace. This book would not be suitable for young children, due to the violent themes, but would suit mature middle-school and high-school students.

Yesterday, I read The Golden Door by Emily Rodda.

Get your copy here!

Emily Rodda is a beloved Australian author who has been writing children's books since I was a child. She is probably best known nowadays for the Deltora Quest series. I heard her speak at a festival a few years ago, and felt absolutely inspired. If you are unfamiliar with her work, look her up - you won't be disappointed! I thoroughly enjoyed this book in particular and am very keen to read the other two books in the trilogy - The Silver Door and The Third Door. Rodda's masterful descriptions, three-dimensional characters and terrifying monsters will have kids enthralled, and it is these very features that make Rodda's work so great as a mentor text. If you are looking for an author to study, Rodda is an excellent choice, and this book is a good place to start.

So, apologies for the change in focus for my Monday post, but I'm sure all you bookworms understand that when a book is calling, you can't say no!

A little housekeeping before I sign off. Since I announced a few days ago that there would be a giveaway coming, I've had an overwhelming response from TpT retailers who are keen to donate a product to the winner's prize. It is going to be a stellar giveaway, let me tell you! At the time of writing this post, we are only 22 followers away from the giveaway, so if you know anyone that might be interested in following the Little Green store, sign 'em up here! The sooner we hit the magic number, the sooner the giveaway goes live!

Have a great week everyone, and be sure to check in tomorrow for another YouTube Tuesday!

Friday 8 November 2013

Freebie Friday: Owl Number Posters 1-10

Happy Friday everyone! Here in Sydney, we are now at the half-way point of our last term of the year, which means summer holidays are only a stone's throw away! Every time Friday comes around again, I'm sure teachers all over our state are doing a happy dance!

To add to the joy, here is your freebie for the week: Owl Number Posters 1-10!

If you have been following the Little Green blog for a while or if you've had a good old poke around the Little Green store, you might recognise these little guys. Yep, that's right, a product you would previously have paid for in the Little Green store is now FREE!!! I have a list of customers who previously purchased this product - email me ( with your TpT username if you are one of them, and, once I check that you are on my list, I'll email you the Little Green product of your choice to say thank you.

Here's a closer look at one of the posters from the pack.

Click here to get your very own copy!

These posters also happen to work in very well with the new Understanding Ten pack in the Little Green store, which still happens to be on sale!

Enjoy your freebie and your weekend!

Thursday 7 November 2013

100th Follower Giveaway... Coming Soon!

It all began back in July this year, July the 14th to be precise. Yep, this little blog is still a spring chicken! The Little Green Teachers Pay Teachers store is even younger than that! But a milestone is just around the corner. My TpT store is inching ever so slowly toward 100 followers. Now, I know that is small fry in the TpT ocean, but to me it is super exciting! Hey, it wasn't so long ago that the store didn't even exist! So let's just stop for a moment for a little hooray!

Well, ALMOST 100 anyway! To celebrate, I am planning to run Little Green's first ever giveaway. Woo hoo! Up for grabs will, of course, be some Little Green resources, but I'm hoping that some of my TpT retailing pals might be willing to offer up some of their terrific resources to sweeten the deal.

If you have a TpT store and you'd like to contribute a product to my upcoming giveaway, please email me:

Now, there will be no giveaway until we have 100 followers in the Little Green store, so if you're not already following me on TpT, please consider doing so, and if you are already following me, please encourage your friends to drop by and follow too! Click here to go to the Little Green store, stat!

Watch this space kids - more details on the giveaway coming soon!

Tuesday 5 November 2013

YouTube Tuesday: Calculating Elapsed Time

Welcome to another YouTube Tuesday! Have you checked out the YouTube Tuesday page yet? Lots of great videos to be found there!

Today's video is made by a couple of teachers mucking around, but is one of the best videos I've seen teaching about how to calculate elapsed time! I love how a T-Chart is used to calculate time that has elapsed, and the teachers' crazy antics will keep your kids entertained while they learn. Great work guys!

Monday 4 November 2013

Top 5 Pins of the Week: Understanding Ten Edition

Yep, it's late! And normally, I'd have posted my weekly round-up of terrific pins well before now, but I have a reason for the delay: I've been putting the finishing touches on my most ambitious resource to date - my Understanding Ten pack!

This one has been in the pipeline for quite a while now, so I'm really pleased that it is now complete! To celebrate this resource going live in my TpT store, I've reduced the price (for a limited time only - get in quick!) and I am also dedicating this week's top 5 pins to ideas for teaching this most vital of skills - making and decomposing ten.

5. Pairs to Ten Coat Hanger - Take 1!


As 'no-frills' as this idea looks, the concept is terrific, and so easy to make! All you need is a wire coat-hanger, ten pegs, some card stock, a marker and a stapler. This pin links only to an image, so if this photo is yours, please let me know and I'll give you the glory!

4. Pairs to Ten Coat Hanger - Take 2!


Yep, same concept here, but this one is a bit more swish and comes with a freebie t-shirt template for you to print and use, thanks to Amy at The Kindergarten Center blog! I also like that she has used different-coloured pegs to show the 5-5 breakdown, as this will help to guide student estimations of 'how many'. Thanks Amy!

3. Zip-Loc Bag Addition


Yes, I know, there are only 5 counters in the bag. But think of the possibilities for teaching pairs to ten! By adding 5 more counters, your students will be decomposing ten like nobody's business! Thanks to Jill at Mrs T's First Grade Class blog for this great idea!

2. Monster Addition


Yep, I know, there are a couple of different addition problems here, none of which add to ten. But how cute are these symmetrical little monsters? And who doesn't love googly eyes? No one, that's who! Again, thinking outside the box, this activity could be adapted to allow students to decompose ten on either side of their monster using the googly eyes. This idea is courtesy of the No Time for Flash Cards blog - thanks guys!

1. Shake and Add Addition Centre


This idea is a variation on #3 on our countdown, but I love the additional elements - counting bears and the giant addition sign get a big ol' thumbs up from me! This idea comes from Mr Greg over at the Smedley's Smorgasbord of Kindergarten blog (I'm a big Mr Greg fan - check out his blog if you aren't already a follower!), so thanks Mr Greg!

How do you teach concepts of ten to your students? If you are in need of inspiration, check out the Little Green Pinterest boards for more ideas. If you are looking for resources, be sure to have a look at the Understanding Ten pack over at the Little Green store! 

Have a great week!

Friday 1 November 2013

Freebie Friday: Butterfly Ten Frames!

Happy Friday! Now that Halloween is done and dusted for another year, I'm sure we are all ready for the exact opposite of all the spooky, scary things we've been looking at for the last month. With that in mind, this Friday's freebie is all sorts of softness and beauty: Butterfly Ten Frames!

Featuring the beautiful artwork of Helen Ziga, these ten frames are sure to be a hit with the Preschool and Infants set!

There are ten frames for all numbers from 1-10, and there are two ten frames to a page. You could use the ten frames as flash cards, for one-to-one correspondence counting or for any number of games that involve ten frames!

I hope your students enjoy using the ten frames and I hope you enjoy your weekend!

Tuesday 29 October 2013

YouTube Tuesday (Spooky Edition): The Skeleton Dance - Walt Disney (1929)

Yep, it's YouTube Tuesday again! Be sure to check out the linky page for more great videos!

With Halloween coming up this week, I thought I'd issue a spooky edition of YouTube Tuesday! Back in the day when Disney wasn't all princesses and fluff, they put out some wacky cartoons! This one has got to be one of the weirdest - The Skeleton Dance. Made in 1929, it is sure to get you in the mood for a spooky Halloween, in a macabre, black and white kind of way. Great stuff!

Monday 28 October 2013

Top 5 Pins of the Week: Onomatopoeia Edition!

The theme of this week's top 5 pins is onomatopoeia. Why? To celebrate the release of the latest resource for grades 1-3 in the Little Green shop: Outrageous Onomatopoeia!

5. What is Onomatopoeia? Terry Green explains!

Need I say more? Thanks for the overview Terry!

4. Onomatopoeia in Every Language!


Have you ever thought about this before? We might say squeak, when talking about the sound a mouse makes, but in other languages, the perception of that sound may be totally different. Don't you just love the little mice in this graphic?

3. A Noisy Alphabet


Onomatopoeia can be any word we use to represent a sound - even made-up words. This fantastic 'noisy alphabet' by graphic artist Tom Gauld gives some great examples of made-up onomatopoeia! Love it!

2. The Onomatopoeia of Storms


What better time to introduce onomatopoeia to your class than when you are studying weather? There are so many fabulous weather onomatopoeia words, like drip, zap, crash and boom! Kristina at School Time Snippets has come up with a lovely way to make these words come to life: a storm mobile. This simple craft will have your students up to speed with onomatopoeia in no time! Thanks Kristina!

1. Onomatopoeia Mentor Texts


Marcie Flinchum Atkins, a children's and young adult writer, has compiled a list of terrific texts to act as mentors in the process of teaching students about onomatopoeia. Her website is a treasure trove of ideas and resources, which I plan to explore more ASAP! Accompanying the list of books are some free lesson plans and ideas to help get you started. The Little Green 'Outrageous Onomatopoeia' resource would work very well alongside Marcie's plans, if I do say so myself! Thanks Marcie! 

How do you teach onomatopoeia? Check out the Little Green Pinterest boards for more inspiration on teaching onomatopoeia and more!

Friday 25 October 2013

Freebie Friday: Hundreds Chart

Thank goodness it is Friday! Time for another freebie from the Little Green store: a hundreds chart.

We all know and love hundreds charts - they are a fantastic way to help our students see the patterns in their times tables, as well as having a smorgasbord of other uses! There is nothing super special about the hundreds charts I have created, other than that they use a beautiful background from Prettiful Designs, a chalkboard from Sonya DeHart and fonts by Jen Jones.

As well as the starter model shown above, we have the no-title model...

...the black-and-white-printable model...

...and the black-and-white-printable-no-title model!

You can get your copy here. I hope you find it super-useful, whichever version you decide to use!

Tuesday 22 October 2013

YouTube Tuesday: Owls - Beautiful and Deadly

Welcome to another YouTube Tuesday! Be sure to check out the YouTube Tuesday page to see all the great videos that have been shared! If you're an education blogger, feel free to link up any time.

I'm a self-confessed owl lover. I first got into owls by reading Kathryn Lasky's Guardians of Ga'Hoole series.

Get book one of the series here.

Since then, I have collected lots of little owl things - books, toys, figurines, puppets - and they are mostly quite cute and idealised. So it is easy for me to sometimes forget that owls are scary birds of prey and that they kill and eat small, furry things for dinner! Today's video serves as a reminder to all us owl-lovers that these birds are both beautiful and deadly. This video would be good to show in a unit on owls or birds of prey, or when looking at animal adaptations to environment.

Warning: this video is not for the squeamish. No gore, but a small, furry thing is caught by this most powerful of hunters.