
Tuesday 22 April 2014

Teaching In The 21st Century

Got ten minutes? This video will encourage you to take the steps you need to bring your teaching into the 21st Century! I particularly like what is said about the difference between entertainment and engagement. Thought-provoking stuff!

Thursday 17 April 2014

Making PBL work for you!

Have you heard about Project Based Learning (PBL)? This short video explains what it is, why it works and gives a great example of how it can be used in the classroom. Give it a go!

Wednesday 16 April 2014

Googling vs. Librarying!

You may have noticed that recently things have been a little quiet at Little Green HQ. The reason is that I have gone back to university to get my Masters degree in Teacher Librarianship, so all the spare time I used to have to make resources and blog is being taken up with assignments and readings! Yikes!

One of the questions we have been asked to consider in the course is the relevance of the library in a world where googling is a verb. Information  seems to be at our fingertips, so why should we bother with the library? This brilliant little video explains clearly and succinctly the role of the library and librarian in today's world... as well as the role of Google!