
Monday 29 July 2013

Pins of the Week

Happy Monday everyone! Lots of Pinterest inspiration this week, so I'm excited to share some of the goodies I've found. All these and more can be found on my Pinterest boards.

Learn Haiku from the Master at Kid World Citizen
I have only just discovered the Kid World Citizen website, and what a treasure trove it is! This particular pin takes you to a page about Basho, the great 17th Century Japanese poet, and provides ideas for some rich learning about the man and his work. Great stuff!

The KWL Chart Re-imagined!
I've been a fan of the KWL Chart for a long time, but this free printable takes it to a whole new level. The link takes you to the Teachers Pay Teachers site of Rebekah Benson, where you can download and use this printable and more. Make sure you follow her store if you use her freebie - TPT manners people!

Emperor Penguin Life Cycle Poster... FOR FREE!

It doesn't get much better than this kids - a high quality free poster to print and use by Zina Diretsky at the National Science Foundation. Beautifully illustrated and full of great information!

Visual Timetable Reward System using a Pill Box!

What a neat idea this is! The link takes you to a blog post where the idea is explained in full and you get to read about the teenage helper who came up with the system to use with an autistic student in her care. The basic idea is that you use an oversize pill box to store small treats (a couple of jelly beans or non-edible treats could be used); put a visual timetable label on each lid; then, as each task is completed, the student gets to open the lid and have the treat. Genius!

Story Stones

What an imaginative way to provide a story prompt! The link takes you to the Crafting Connections website, where you can purchase a set of Story Stones, but you could also make your own if you are crafty.

Have you seen any great pins lately? Please share! And please share if you use any of the pins above in your own classroom!

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