
Tuesday 27 August 2013

YouTube Tuesday: On the Ning Nang Nong

A bit of nostalgia here at Little Green HQ today - a video clip from my childhood. For those who did not grow up in Australia in the 1980s, Playschool was your go-to kids TV show for great songs and awesome craft ideas. My favourite presenters were Noni Hazelhurst and John Hamblin, who we called 'Funny John' to distinguish him from the other John, who was not as funny. You'll see John later on in the clip - he's the silver-haired gentleman with the triangle. Good stuff!

The songs on Playschool were often accompanied by cute little video clips using animation or claymation. This particular clip is one of the best songs I remember from the show, in my humble opinion! It is On the Ning Nang Nong, the Spike Milligan poem, put to music. Back in the day before manufactured kid-pop, this was how we got down and boogied. Ah, the good ol' days!


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