
Monday 23 September 2013

Pins of the Week: number boards, fraction strips, book nooks, research skills and storage solutions!

Welcome to another Monday! Here in Sydney, we are on holidays, so no school for two weeks! That doesn't mean Little Green HQ is coming to a standstill, of course, because we teachers don't ever stop looking for inspiration and ideas, even on our break! To that end, Little Green presents this week's Pins of the Week!

All About Number Board


This great board was devised by the talented Tiffany at the Mrs Ouwinga's Class blog. Fittingly, her inspiration was a Pinterest picture of an anchor chart! She, however, wanted to make hers interchangeable so that she didn't have to create a new poster for each number. I think her concept makes this chart even better! Thanks Tiffany!

Fraction Strips Freebie


We've all seen fraction strips like these before, but the best part about these particular fraction strips is that they are free! Teacher Nyla at Nyla's Crafty Teaching has created a black and white fraction strip page for your students to colour, cut and use and has been kind enough to share her hard work. Thanks Teacher Nyla!

Book Nooks and Nature Books


Cathy James at Nurture Store has put together a great post on outdoor book nooks (that look amazing, by the way!) and has listed 50 terrific books that celebrate nature. The book list is extensive and covers both our old favourites and some newer books. Be sure to pop by and check it out. Thanks Cathy!

Research Skills


This excellent resource comes from the State Library of Victoria and consists of step-by-step instructions and tips to help students research and, thereby, submit better assignments. This would be a great starting point to direct your students to next time you set an assignment, or could form the basis of lessons on research skills. Thanks State Library of Victoria!

Storage Solutions


Carisa over at the 1+1+1=1 blog has devised a great system for storing her theme printable packs using those cheap-as-chips nylon storage boxes, plastic folders (the button-style ones) and a label-maker. Although Carisa is in a homeschooling environment, this storage solution would work just as well in a classroom and with other packs of stuff that need organising! Simple, efficient, genius! Thanks Carisa!

All these pins and more can be found on the Little Green Pinterest boards, so be sure to follow Little Green on Pinterest for more great ideas. Have a great week!

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