
Monday 21 October 2013

Top 5 Pins of the Week: thoughtful logs, flashcards, macaroni punctuation, weather task cards & writer's workshop!

It's Monday again, and at Little Green HQ, that means I've spent lots of time on Pinterest in order to find HEAPS of goodies to share with you all. Here's what I've found this week:

5. Thoughtful Log

Leanne over at the Life in 4B blog has written a detailed post about how she uses 'thoughtful logs' with her students. In these structured journals, students write about the texts they read, among other things. Leanne's students clearly are, as a result, great thinkers! One of the fabulous ideas that will be helpful to us all, whether we choose to have our students keep a 'thoughtful log' or not, is photographing anchor charts and having students glue a copy in their notebooks. This is an excellent way for students to access anchor charts beyond the classroom. Thanks Leanne!

4. Storing Personalised Flashcards

This great idea comes from Judy Baxter on Flickr. She has shared a terrific way of storing a student's personalised flash cards in a makeshift folder that divides the known from the unknown. This could, of course, work for whole-class cards as well. Thanks Judy!

3. Macaroni Punctuation

Heather at the HoJo's Teaching Adventures blog has posted photos of a fabulous activity she worked on with her class, also inspired by Pinterest! Using dried macaroni, students were able to add speech marks, commas and apostrophes to a passage written on large sheets of paper. Thanks Heather!

2. Weather Task Cards

Working on weather with your 3rd, 4th or 5th graders? The Science Penguin has you covered! These great FREE task cards will have your students reviewing all the terminology and conventions you have been teaching them about reading and predicting the weather. Thanks Science Penguin!

1. Writer's Workshop

Ever wanted to know how other people structure their writing time in the classroom? Steph over at the Apples of Your Eye blog has given us a sneak peak into her writer's workshop time. She has some great ideas for organising writing time and has included this terrific graphic, created by a lovely person named Donna. Thanks Steph and Donna!

I hope these pins have inspired you! Be sure to check out my Pinterest boards for more inspiration!


  1. Thanks for featuring my post! There are some awesome ideas here. I'm going to pin them now! =)

    1. You're welcome, Heather :) Thanks for dropping by!
