
Saturday 15 February 2014

And the winner is...

Wow! I am so overwhelmed by the response to the Little Green giveaways! Thank you to all those who entered and followed the Little Green store - I'm now up to 124 followers, which is even more reason to celebrate!

So, I know what you are all waiting to hear - was it me? Who won the giveaways?

A big congratulations to Lori Raines, who won the infants giveaway, and Tammy Sapp, who won the primary giveaway! Check your inboxes ladies - you are soon to be inundated with prizey goodness! I'd give you a bunch of flowers to top it off, but as that is a bit impractical, here is a virtual bunch for you:

And for those who didn't win, sorry :( But rest assured: another giveaway is just around the corner, so be sure to watch this space!

Happy Valentines Day for the 14th!

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